
Downloadables overview
Foxy's downloadable product functionality allows for a quick, secure, and easy way to sell any type of file. While the concept of selling a downloadable...
Create a downloadable product
To avoid download issues, use a filename that doesn't include special characters, such as “?”. Stick to alphanumeric characters. Ensure you have a category with...
Modify a downloadable product
In the Foxy admin, go to Downloadables. Choose the Downloadable Products Category that the downloadable you want to modify is in. Click on the Edit...
Delete a downloadable product
In the Foxy admin, go to Downloadables. Choose the Downloadable Products Category that the downloadable you want to deleteis in. Click on the Edit button...
Manually redeliver downloadable product links
In the Foxy admin, go to Transactions. Find the transaction for the customer you'd like to redeliver the downloadable product link(s) to. Click on the Email...

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